The Cry of the Aborted
You chose to take my life. You chose to believe the lie. You said I wasn’t alive. But In Heaven, I survived.
You chose a life of ease. You chose a life without me. You chose your body, But I choose to intercede.
I didn’t get a choice. I am a silenced voice. You couldn’t hear my cry, When I was fighting for my life.
I am the unborn. I am a life unmourned. I’m on the other side, Now, will you hear my cry?
You chose to be deceived. You chose to live in apathy. You didn't fight me, But I choose to set you free!
I didn’t get a choice. I am a silenced voice. You couldn’t hear my cry when I was fighting for my life.
I am the unborn. I am a life unmourned. I’m on the other side, Now, will you hear my cry?
You are forgiven! It’s time to Awaken! I can hear all of Heaven breaking off deception!
If only you could see in the Heavenlies, There’s aborted armies Warring to set you free.
I am fighting for your life! I will stand and prophesy, “Repent from your wicked ways And we will be reunited one day!”
I was taken into the spirit this week to see what was happening in the heavens, and this cry of the aborted rang out. And I wept, asking God, “What shall I do with this? Why am I hearing this?” He said, “I need a voice to declare it in the Earth! Flesh has been given dominion, so flesh must cry out to see it manifested!” I saw a vision of the hearts of women in America with hearts like cold, hard coal mines. I saw Heaven on the other side of these rocks, and an army of aborted children were dressed as miners, using pickaxes to break down the hardness of hearts with their intercession. On the other side of this mine, I saw believers begin picking up their pickaxes and mining from the other side with their intercession. Suddenly, the two sides met, and the light of Heaven broke through the hardness and I heard the woman declare, “Now, I see the light!”
I declare and decree that Heaven is breaking down the hardness of hearts in this Nation! Till the hard soil, let the rain of your Spirit pour down, softening every heart to receive the seed of Christ!