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What the Devil doesn’t want you to understand about sin


The moment your pathway starts leading towards death is the moment you’ve lost your freedom, because there is no freedom without life. This is exactly why the greatest freedom will always be found in living within the boundaries God set up for us in His Word. I have the have liberty to make my own choices, but if my choice is to jump off of a high rise, I would lose my freedom because I would lose my life and would rid myself from all future choices. Anything that leads to death is bondage. This is why a life free from sin is the greatest place of freedom, because all sin leads to death eventually.

Eve thought that God had lied that “eating the fruit” would lead to death, because she didn’t die right away. She took the bait of Satan, believed the lie, and missed out of the freedom found in the truth. But God never said, “you’ll die immediately.” He said, “you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” (Genesis 2:17). Sin is rarely an instant death. Yet the moment Adam and Eve sinned was the moment that Gods intent for humanity to be eternal, had to become temporal. If God is just and loving, sin had to have an expiration date. He didn’t want humans to expire, but he couldn’t let them continue in destruction forever should they never choose to stop destroying the rest of creation. But since God is patient, He allowed life to continue for a time to give space for them to repent and make things right.

“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. “ 2 Peter 3:9 NIV

Sin is a slow and painful death. It starts out seeming like a great idea, doing a temporary job of filling a void that was only meant for our eternal God. The problem with this is that, “the pleasure of sin only lasts for a season.” Sin is temporary and it’s pleasure will always fade because it holds no eternal life. It feels good in the moment, but slowly erodes your body and soul. Take doing drugs, for example. It may feel good in the moment, but eventually the high fades and leaves your body in worse condition than it was in before. With every dose you are torturing your body and slowly draining the life out of it. If God is truly love, He couldn’t be ok with letting us do this to ourselves. Love doesn’t sit back and let you destroy yourself without confronting the destruction. He does this in the hopes that you’ll redirect your path and choose life.

Understand this, if God says something is sin, it’s because His vision holds an eternal perspective, and He has seen your future. He knows that continuing in that activity will lead to death and He is trying to desperately warn you before it is too late. You can choose life today by choosing holiness. No matter the depth of your sin or how long you’ve been on deaths pathway, simple repentance is an immediate U-turn back in the direction of eternal life! The blood of Jesus not only covers the sin but it restores us back to life. It can rejuvenate every cell in your body that has been eroded by sinful living. This is the beauty of our loving God. He can redeem all things!

“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23 NIV


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