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The Corona Virus


Earlier today I saw a video by well-known doctor about his opinion on the Corona Virus. As I watched, instantly, the Lord began drawing prophetic parallels that explained what gave this virus a place to take root in our society. There is so much spiritual significance.

When studying this specific virus, they have found that it is not genetic, but that it is a mutation. It has no ability to reproduce on its own, so it hijacks a living cell and, “like a copy machine” begins using your own body against you. It is parasitic in nature. Like a leech, it gives absolutely nothing good to the system to which it’s attached. There is no mutual benefit. It gains its ground by attacking the lungs and there is a massive connection between a persons glucose level and the infection rate. The more refined sugar and foods we put into our bodies, the worst the infection rate gets. The greatest way to combat it is through a strong and healthy immune system. In fact, studies show that intermittent fasting and eating fresh whole foods is the quickest way to boost your immune system so that it can fight off the virus before it ever reproduces in your system. When we fast it starts a process called autophagy which is where the body naturally removes unclean or damaged cells and creates new healthy ones. How cool is God, that He designed our bodies to respond physically to fasting the same way it impacts us spiritually! Ironically enough, one of the greatest hinderances to the immune system is stress. The very fears that people are living in, regarding the virus, are causing the breaking down of their immune system and making them more susceptible to it.

This virus is a prototype of the strategy of the enemy in this season. He has zero ability to reproduce, He can only pervert what has already been created. He is parasitic in nature, and once he finds an area of vulnerability and weakness in us, he is quick to exploit it. Attacking the lungs is symbolic of him interfering with out ability to connect to the Breath of God that keeps us alive and thriving. Here’s the exciting part, we get to decide if we are going to let the enemy reproduce something terrible in us or not through our lifestyle. Just as we get to decide how to care for our immune systems by our diet choices, we must carefully choose what we are filling our souls with. What are you feeding your spiritual immune system? Have you been getting the fresh Word of God every single day? Have you given yourself to fasting which causes spiritual autophagy by cleansing us of selfishness and pride? If we could learn to live by James 4:7 NIV we would see an increase in spiritual immunity from the attacks of the enemy. “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” We’ve got to prioritize both our spiritual and natural health by caring for our God-given warfare system. He actually designed us with everything we would need to fight the enemy and this virus, but if we abuse the systems he created by filling ourselves with filth and sin (refined sugar), it’s not going to perform to the level at which it needs to for us to be able to overcome!

The most interesting part of the video I watched was the end. The doctor urged people to realize that it was not nearly as threatening as the media was making it out to be. Especially, in comparison to other major issues. He said on average this virus was only causing the death of 25 people a month in comparison to heart disease which actually causes 1,000,000 deaths each month! This is simply a strategy of the enemy to keep people bound in fear, and yet distracted from seeing the issues that are actually most pressing and important, like the transformation and healing of hearts brought through salvation! It’s time to refocus, Church. Do not fret, or be afraid, simply trust God and righteously steward the systems and resources He’s given you, both physically and spiritually!

If you’d like to watch the video, click the link below!


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