Discernment vs. Discrimination
06.17.20 I see way too many Christians discriminating against others (people groups, churches, individuals, leaders etc) in the name of...
It’s Time to Gather
11.27.20 I rarely ever take pictures on thanksgiving. I’m too often caught up in conversations and enjoying relationships. The only real...
Order in The Court
November 7, 2020 I saw a vision of a giant court room. I was the one sitting in the seat of the defendant, with a plaque that read “the...
Drawing a Line in the Sand: Living between Lawlessness and Legalism
In order to be like Jesus, we must be the type of believer that draws a line in the sand, causing self-righteous, religious pharesees...
To the Christian Republicans and Christian Democrats
06.06.20 This morning the Lord brought a vision about “Killing Vipers” back to mind (you can find the full thing under the prophetic...
Defiled Manna
4.29.20 I saw a vision of the leaders of God’s people collecting manna. They were hoarding it out of selfish ambition, rather than...
The Rumor Weed and The Sword
06.02.20 I saw a vision of a massive principality sitting over the United States. It was despicable, spewing lies and slander, and...
Justice for All
The Lord spoke to me on May 30th saying, “True justice is void of bias. True justice is no respecter of persons...”
Questions and Answers
04.23.20 Recently I saw a facebook post of a dear friend saying that her five year old grandson asked her to explain the “Glory of God.”...
Moderation and Modeling Dependency
04.01.20 “When you discover something sweet, don’t overindulge and eat more than you need, for EXCESS IN ANYTHING can make you sick of...